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For a long time, society, the authorities in charge of providing resources and justice, and those in charge of creating the laws were complicit in the existence and reproduction of the problem of domestic violence, by keeping silent about the facts, and not recognizing them, and not condemning them both in the private sphere and the public one.

However, we should not stay silent and as an initiative, I started working towards the collective memory of Domestic Violence which in this project is defined as physical, sexual, or emotional abuse that occurs in a home or by one family member to another. With this said, this project in specific focuses on all genders affected and not just violence against women.

Domestic Violence Murders in New York City, 2017 – 2021
Nowadays, visuality is presented as the hegemonic authority that “decides” what we can see as a way to obscure the fact that feelings of compassion, empathy for the suffering of others, catastrophic events, and death can be visually represented.

The idea of not interfering in other people’s problems, of not intervening in areas that belong to the private sphere, violating the right to privacy; or the fear of the victims and their families when they denounce the perpetrator, as well as other taboos, make it difficult to address this issue of domestic violence. With this said, being conscious of the underreport that goes behind cases of domestic violence is the reason to continue the work being done with this project.
Seeing no longer guarantees knowing; we must dig into the data and question why issues such as that of domestic violence continue to be so opaque in our society.